Staff Training


As education for a complete service, management, and legal. The company have arranged training courses and seminars continuously by an expert speaker from government and private division. See details as followed;

1. Administration Courses

1.1 Concrete Organization Development.

1.2 Interpersonal Relation within Organization.

1.3 Communication Efficiency.

1.4 Housing Estate / Condominium Management.

1.5 Condominium Management Techniques.

1.6 Psychology of Teamwork and how to work happily.

1.7 Fundamentals of operations Management.

1.8 Standard Selections of Service Parties.

1.9 Conference Arrangement.

1.10 Principle and Practice regarding Title of Alien’s Condominium.

1.11 Condominium Act.

1.12 Housing estate Act.

2. Administration Courses

2.1 Basic Administration Document Work.

2.2 5S.

3. Accounting Financial Courses

3.1 Account – Finance Principal.

3.2 Basic Knowledge of Accounting Program.

3.3 Knowledge of Withholding Tax.

3.4 Accounting and Financial Management.

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4.1 How to check primarily pattern
for building mechanic.

4.2 Building mechanic with condominium decoration procedure.

4.3 Building inspection according to

4.4 Fundamental engineering work.

4.5 Fundamental of engineering inspection and report.

4.6 Fire drill and fire evacuation rehearsal, earthquake incidence and